ISSN 2717-7254
Aims and scope
Cappadocia Journal of Area Studies (CJAS) is an interdisciplinary platform that publishes original peer-reviewed research on the interconnected relationship between area studies (Middle East, African, Chinese, East Asian, American, South East Asian, European, Central Asian, South and Central American, and Russian Studies) and international relations, sociology, global studies, anthropology, geography, history, law, philosophy, politics, public administration, public policy, religion, and society in the globalized world. As an interdisciplinary platform, the journal is necessarily heterodox ontologically, epistemologically, and methodologically. The journal especially welcomes research utilizing critical theory to scrutinize how area studies, society, and politics interact in structuration processes that reinforce, reify, or radically change extant sociopolitical praxis, ideational structures, institutional forms, and power distributions that alter, for good or ill, social, political and economic experiences in these geographical regions. CJAS aims at a wide range of audience, including scholars, students, specialists that have an interest in the critical and alternative approaches to area studies.
CJAS publishes the following types of papers:
- Research Articles
- Review Essays
- Book Reviews
- Document Summaries
- Conference Proceedings
- Project Report Summaries
- Special Issues
- Interviews
Our journal covers the following areas:
- Middle East Studies
- African Studies
- Chinese Studies
- East Asian Studies
- American Studies
- South East Asian Studies
- European Studies
- Central Asian Studies
- South and Central American Studies
- Russian Studies
Languages of publication in CJAS are English and Turkish.