The Change of Immigrant Discourse in Local Media: Fib News Example
migration and discourses, migration and media, migration and local mediaAbstract
Narratives has the power to construct social reality. Narratives have the power to direct the actions of the actors, as well as being effective in the construction of reality in the minds of the target audience, the formation of emotions, thoughts and (pre)judgments. The media, which is accepted as the fourth force, has the function of both reflecting the social perception and shaping it through narratives. Therefore, the change in the dominant discourse of the media on a subject not only points to the change in the opinions of the society on that subject, but also has a function that fuels this fire of the related change. In this study, the change in the narratives in the news about Syrian and Afghan refugees produced in the digital media organization FIB Haber operating in Nevşehir is analyzed trough the published news from 2011 to 2022, and the reasons for this change and which parameters are related are tried to be determined.
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